"ET TU" ("and you") faithless Hands of the Cause!!
For those unfamiliar with the history of Julius Caesar, it was he who is alleged to have made this surprised exclamation, "Et tu Brutus!" as recounted by Shakespeare in one of his plays and since portrayed on both stage and screen, when Brutus, who had been appointed to a high postion and had been highly trusted as a faithful subject, so unexpectedly proved unfaithful as he treacherously joined a group of fellow-conspirators in stabbing Caesar to death.
Shoghi Effendi may well have made the same agonized exclamation in the other world, almost on the eve of his passing, in anguished disbelief that twenty-six of the twenty-seven Hands of the Cause, who had been elevated to this high spiritual station by Shoghi Effendi during the concluding years of his ministry, would commit a no less treacherous, and perfidious act than the infamous one committed by the assassins who killed Casear, when following their deliberations at their first conclave in 'Akká they plunged their spiritual daggers, as it were, into Shoghi Effendi's very heart.
http://Bahai-Guardian.com/appeals.html#_Toc417413939For these Hands of the Cause, displayed a shocking, inconceivable and incomprehensible lack of fidelity to the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh and the sacred, divinely-conceived and immortal "Child of the Covenant" the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá when they made the following fateful and nefarious and unwarranted decisions for which they stand eternally condemned:
They erroneously concluded, upon not finding a will and testament left by Shoghi Effendi, as evidenced in the Proclamation issued at the end of their conclave, that this had been because he had been unable to appoint a successor, basing this conclusion on their erroneous belief that the provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá restricted his choice of a successor to an Aghsán and as there were no longer any Aghsán (as they also erroneously understood the meaning of this term) who had remained faithful to the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, the Guardianship had consequently come to a premature end only thirty-six years after the inception of the Administrative Order.
They inexcusably misinterpreted the meaning of the term "branch" in the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, to apply to the Aghsán, wherein He states that, if the "first born" of the Guardian is not spiritually qualified to succeed him, then must he "choose another branch to succeed him." This patently false interpretation revealed their inexcusable ignorance of the fact that Shoghi Effendi had unmistakably defined the term Aghsán to apply solely to the "sons" of Bahá'u'lláh, all of whom, as contemporaries of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, had long since died and would never be available for consideration as a successor to Shoghi Effendi, much less by future Guardians of the Faith.
They seemed blindly unaware that in their tragic conclusion that the Guardianship had ended, that they had shamelessly repudiated and, in effect, had declared null and void the major provisions of the divinely-conceived and sacred Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, and had, in so doing, decreed the death of "The Child of the Covenant."
They obviously had further failed to realize that they had repudiated a sacred, divinely-conceived and immortal Document whose Co-author, in a mystical sense, was none other than Bahá'u'lláh, for Shoghi Effendi in his book GOD PASSES BY has written: "This Instrument can, if we would correctly appraise it, no more be divorced from the One Who provided the motivating impulse for its creation than from Him Who directly conceived it." and has further explained, that it is an integral part of the explicit Holy Text, whose laws and provisions are immutable and destined to remain inviolate as long as the Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh endures.
They, in their incredulous faithlessness, have moreover repudiated, however unwittingly, almost everything that Shoghi Effendi has written about the Bahá'í Administrative Order and, in effect, consigned his spiritual testament: "The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh" to the waste paper basket.
They incredibly ignored Shoghi Effendi's "historic" and "epoch-making" Proclamation of 9 January 1951, notwithstanding the fact that he had proclaimed the "historic decision" to form the International Bahá'í Council the Universal House of Justice in its embryonic form "the most significant milestone in the evolution of the Administrative Order" and, the constitution "at long last" of this "first embryonic International Institution," as "the greatest event shedding luster upon the second epoch of the Formative Age."
They ignominiously prevented the International Bahá'í Council "this Central Body" which, upon his passing, was now able to assume its rightful active role, as the supreme administrative body of the Faith under its appointed President, as envisaged by Shoghi Effendi, in which, as he had stated: this body would be"directing" the "widely ramified operations" involved in achieving the goals of the Ten Year Global Crusade and thereby bring this body"into direct contact with all of the National Assemblies of the Bahá'í world." (Message of 23 November 1951) and they, in their blindness, incredibly deposed its President, relegated the International Council to an insignificant roll even subordinate to a illegitmate body of their own creation (as outlined below) and to final oblivion as they elected yet another illegitimate body in its place.
They appointed a body outside of the provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, comprised of nine Hands with the concocted name of "Custodians of the Bahá'í World Faith" which they stated in their proclamation of 25 November 1957 would assume "all such functions, rights and powers in succession to the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith," thus usurping both the functions, rights and powers of the Guardianship and the International Bahá'í Council, the embryonic Universal House of Justice
They failed completely to perceive the tremendously important significance of Shoghi Effendi's appointment of Mason Remey as the President of the International Bahá'í Council (for Presidency of the UHJ and Guardianship are synonymous terms) for in the appointment of its President he had, in this indirect but public manner, appointed his successor.
They further obviously failed to take the time to review several other highly significant "historic" and "epoch-making" messages addressed by Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá'í World during the concluding years of his ministry in which they would have found further indisputable confirmation of the fact that he had faithfully carried out the sacred Mandate of the Master in assuring the continuation of the Guardianship.
They consigned their own institution to ultimate oblivion as only a future Guardian can appoint future Hands of the Cause.
They established, by election, with the demise of the illegitimate body of the Custodians in 1963, a sans-Guardian and hence an incomplete and illegitimate so-called Universal House of Justice, contrary to the provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and although they thereby further corrupted the divinely-conceived Administrative Order delineated by "the master-hand of its perfect Architect" they had the effrontery to call this body the Universal House of Justice, although minus its "sacred head" the Guardian of the Cause of God and, in their self-delusion, label all those who refused to accept and embrace this illegitimate and sans-Guardian body as the "Supreme body" of the Cause as Covenant-breakers.
Joel Bray Marangella
Third Guardian of the Baháí Faith
Australia, March, 2004